I grew up in an artistic household, and was early on exposed to opera which I love passionately. My first trip to the Met, at the age of 11, was with a school friend whose uncle was a producer for Columbia Records, and included a visit backstage to meet Metropolitan star Judith Raskin. I studied piano as a child and later, singing with Judith, and it was through her I met Duane Printz. We quickly became good friends, and I have been thrilled to follow the development of Teatro Grattacielo from the very beginning. I am so pleased to be joining the board now, as it is expanding in so many new and exciting directions.
My professional life has been in tutoring students from age 5 through college, with a particular focus on learning differences, and Spanish-speaking students who are studying English and adjusting to this culture. I am currently semi-retired and have been studying Dalcroze with Leslie Upchurch. This is a radically different approach to music teaching that is based on body movement. I am hopeful this approach has the potential to get more people excited about many kinds of music, including classical music and opera.