As we stand on the cusp of 2025, Teatro Grattacielo is proud to announce the second year of its “Start with the Arts-2025” fundraising campaign, marking our 31st anniversary. At the heart of our mission is a commitment to nurturing the future of opera and new/rare works, fostering young talents who will carry the torch forward.
In 2023, Opera America reported a 27% attendance drop compared to pre-pandemic levels. A decline in ticket sales and fundraising has led many opera companies to scale back programming and education. Instead, we see an opportunity to evolve, forge deeper connections and become a catalyst for innovation. In this spirit, we present four exciting membership opportunities for you to become an integral part of this cultural journey.
Become a Pioneer for the Arts and experience the magic of Teatro Grattacielo while making a lasting impact on the future of opera
As a Patron of the Arts, you double the enchantment and double the support for our emerging artists.
Becoming a Champion for the Arts means more than attending performances. It means investing in the very essence of artistic expression, securing a legacy for generations to come.
Becoming a Conductor of the Arts means stepping into the spotlight as a steadfast supporter of opera’s transformative power, ensuring its brilliance shines brightly for future generations.
**Why Support Teatro Grattacielo?**
Teatro Grattacielo, established three decades ago within the confines of a modest New York City apartment, embarked on a unique mission: to showcase operatic rarities and provide a platform for emerging opera singers and artists, catapulting them onto the international stage at the onset of their professional careers. Our 31-year journey is marked by a tapestry of remarkable success stories that illuminate our past, while we fervently construct our future through the creation of new productions that champion the American operatic spirit.
As we celebrate our rich history, we remain steadfast in our commitment to the original mission, fueled by the same passion and love that ignited our inception. Simultaneously, we are embracing new perspectives within the operatic realm, envisioning a future that propels opera into the next century. It is this dynamic blend of continuity and innovation that defines the trajectory of Teatro Grattacielo, ensuring the enduring legacy of our commitment to operatic excellence.
**How To Participate**
Pick the membership level that resonates with your passion for the arts and proceed with your donation. Once you make a donation that reaches the level of one of the packages, we’ll contact you to arrange your exclusive benefits, such as the performance you’d like to attend, your T-shirt size, etc. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
When you contribute to Teatro Grattacielo, you provide emerging artists and opera audiences with the opportunity to become familiar with lesser-known Italian and English repertoire and performance style, thus the worldwide expansion and appreciation of the operatic tradition.
We are a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization and your generous gift with be used to create powerful performances.
Help Teatro grattacielo now making your donation! Thank you!
Checks can be mailed at: Teatro Grattacielo 209 40th street , Apt 3BUnion City, NJ 07087