Young Artists Impact | Shahram Yazdani

Young Artists Impact | Shahram Yazdani

Shahram Yazdani is an Iranian-German opera singer based in Germany.

Share with us a unique experience for you in the opera world. How did it inspire you and what did you learn from it?

Well, “Opera” itself means “work”! (In Italian). That says it all!! The biggest lesson from this industry that I always remember is to work hard and a lot in this business! No one is waiting for you to give you the JOB and the opportunity to enjoy singing and YOU are the one who hires you! If you work hard you’ll become good and if you’re good you’re hired. I should add that opera is an absolute Art which turns to a job. Simple to know hard but possible to do!

Do you think opera should be accessible to everyone? How do you think this could be done?

Of course Opera like any other forms of art should be accessible to everyone. I address you to one of Pavarotti’s quotes existing on youtube saying” Opera should be for everyone and all should enjoy it like football(Sport)”. I do like some new ideas in stagings but unless it does not change and destroy the main idea of the composer! I personally believe that changing the basic traditions and turning them to modernity is not always a good solution although some nowadays directors are so creative and their modern ideas sometimes helps the audience to even understand the ongoing story better than the way it has been done for 100 years but like I said not always!

Do you feel that your work as an opera singer helps you to use your creativity to serve your community? What do you enjoy the most about it?

Definitely! As a professional opera singer and voice teacher I can clearly see and feel how exciting my community are about every activity in the opera I have and the energy that they give me and their support makes me even more stronger than any other time.You don’t know how grateful I am that some of my *Level A* students are singing major roles all around the world and I am witnessing their development as well as themselves which is so inspiring to see it as a great reason to stay stronger and be happy with my great community and hard-working students. And the most beautiful thing about my students and even my Opera singer Friends is that I bring them to my auditions even my TENORS which means a big teamwork! Their success is mine as well!


NYC Cultural Affairs
EriK Bottcher
Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation
Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF)
World Basebal Network

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